Mommy Nurse Wife and 25!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

My Anniversary

Today is the 4th of July. It is also my wedding anniversary. It got me thinking about all that has happened since I met Donnie the summer of '01. A lot has happened in a short amount of time. For all of you that don't know, here are the clifnotes of my life the last 5 years.

Donnie and I meet in a bar where I work as a cocktail waitress. We spend the next 10 months falling in love over the telephone, writing letters, and spending weekends together while I finish my last year at nursing school. The last semester in school I get to do my senior practium in the ED at Dartmouth. One day I get to fly (twice) with their chopper, DHART.

Graduate from nursing school with my BSN.
Start first nursing job in the ICU.
Get engaged on the top of Mt. Washington.
Start 401K.

Get married to Donnie July 4th. We got married at Popham Beach at 7 am with about 40 of our family and closest friends. My brother, Mike, announced that I am pregnant while making a toast to Donnie and me. Previously, this was only known by our parents. Oops. Funny in retrospect, not in real time.

Lily is born January 26th after two weeks on bedrest in the hospital. The next year is all about learning how to be parents and still keep a marriage afloat while mentally and physically exhausted.

November, pregnant with Sam. Lily is 10 months.

December, get offered Unit Coordinator job in the ED. Ponder taking it, then take it. What the hell did I get myself into. I went from being comfortable and experienced in the ICU to new and inexperienced in a new department where I am now a supervisor. Holy shit.

Start in the ED in March. Holy shit.

Sam is born August 15th via c-section #2. Easy, happy baby. Lily is 18 months old when Sammy is born. Whoa...and we thought we were tired before.

Buy first house (BTW, why didn't anyone tell me how stressful THAT was going to be?). Buy a timeshare. Open ROTH IRA, invest money in the stock market. Feel OK with my role in the ED (most days). Donnie gets promoted to Lieutenant

Now we have three jobs between the two of us, three kids (I have a stepdaughter who's 10 BTW) a house, a timeshare, money, and we STILL manage to be in love and very happy. So today, July 4th, on our nation's birthday I am feeling very happy and content. It's a lot that Donnie and I do and deal with but aren't we lucky that we have it. And it all came from a girl picking a guy up at the bar.


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